8 September 2022
by DK
Do Foster Carers Pay Council Tax?
The government has an inherent duty to help foster carers in meeting some financial obligations. But what about council tax? Do foster carers have to pay or it is part of fostering benefits?
Many local authorities pride themselves on helping foster carers by reducing their financial obligations. As a foster carer, you offer service to humanity, which is often rewarded financially with foster allowances and tax benefits.
Let’s talk briefly about council tax. Do you think foster carers pay council tax?
Well, the good news is that foster carers are eligible for council tax relief. The relief is subject to eligibility criteria share by various local authorities.
Can you get a full council tax relief?
Even before we start looking at the activities that you can do with a foster child, you should first know that attention is what they require from you.
Yes, you can apply for and get a full council tax relief. Remember, the tax relief that you get is in addition to the fostering allowance that you also receive from the fostering agency. Therefore, there are financial incentives for becoming a foster carer in the UK.

Every local authority has its criteria for offering council tax exemptions. Therefore, you will have to contact your local authority to know the specifics of the eligibility criteria for full council tax relief.
However, we can share a few criteria that are common among most local authorities when it comes to council tax relief for foster carers in the UK.
Who is eligible for council tax relief?
You will be eligible for exemption from paying council tax if:
- You are an approved foster carer who meets the care skills standard set by the UK government;
- You have provided care for a total of 26 weeks in a 12-month period;
- You have maintained availability as a foster carer.

You will lose your eligibility when you
- Resign as a foster carer;
- You take a break from fostering for more than 30 days
We’ve been careful in sharing the eligibility criteria for full exemption of council tax because of the varying jurisdiction of different council authorities.
However, we know for sure that you deserve a council tax relief if you are a foster carer in the UK. Please contact us for more personalised details about council tax relief in your local authority.